Engineering Full Stack Apps with Java and JavaScript
Write a HelloWorld program. Write a simple program with a main method that prints Hello World.
Use package and import statement.
Create a public class Hello1 that is part of a package com.javajee.package1.
Add the standard main method that will be invoked by JVM.
Add one more method called "main" with same signature as the standard main class, but with no arguments.
In the new method, print something:
System.out.println("From Hello1 main");
Call the main method without arguments from the main method with arguments.
Compile and execute it.
Create another class Hello2 that is part of another package com.javajee.package2.
Import the class Hello1
Add the standard main method that will be invoked by JVM.
Invoke the main method of Hello1 that does not take any arguments from this main method as: Hello1.main();
Remove the import statement and invoke the same method using the fully qualified name of the class.
Without answers: set-2