Java Programmer 2

Java Core - Generics and Collections

Collection framework in Java provides a set of readily usable efficient implementations for commonly used data structures and algorithms. A basic understanding of the data constructs like arrays, String, linked list, stack, queue and trees, and concepts like hashing, will help you understand collections better. Collections are often used along with the Generics feature to provide reusable and type safe implementations for these data structures and algorithms.

Java Core - Concurrency 101 - Multithreading Essentials

This note book contains notes on multithreading concepts such synchronization, deadlock, producer consumer problem etc. The book also explores the new concurrency package features and also provides a best practice summary.

This book assumes that you are familiar with the topics discussed in the Java 101 book. 

Java Core - Exception Handling

 Exception Handling in Java Core.

Troubleshooting Environmental Issues For Java Developers

Please ask about any environmental issue related to setting up any technologies listed in the website that is applicable to Java developers such as Java, Maven, Git etc. through the comments section below. We will create a page for any valid issue and help you fix it. 

Java Core - Java 8 Streams

Streams are an important introduction in Java 8 and follows the pipeline model and lazy initialization. It also enables out of the box parallelization support. We will also see Java 8 collection improvements.


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