
String compression algorithm

Write an algorithm for string compression using counts of repeated characters

E.g. aaaaarrrrbbb will become a5r4b3

Additional note: if the new compressed string is is bigger than the original string, return original string.

Check if one string is a permutation (or anagram) of the other

Given two strings, write an algorithm to find if one string is a permutation (or anagram) of the other.

  • Definition: permutation (or anagram) denote two strings that have same characters (with same numbers), but in different order. 

Find out if a string has all unique characters

  1. Write an algorithm to find out if a string has all unique characters.

    • Assumption: You cannot use additional data structures.

String Interning and Performance Tuning in Java

String interning is a method of storing only one copy of each distinct string value. Strings in Java are immutable and hence this sharing is perfectly safe and give you better performance. The distinct values are stored in a fixed-size hashtable usually referred to as string intern pool or string pool. The single copy of each string is called its 'intern'. You can read more about the basics of String interning with examples @ string-interning-in-java-with-examples.

Introduction to Strings in Java

A String is a sequence of characters (e.g. "Hello World").

A String is an object in java, and not a primitive. 


Creating Strings

We can create a String object in two ways:

  1. Assigning a String literal to a String variable

    • e.g. String greeting = "Hello world!";

    • Here, "Hello world!" is a string literal.


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