
Configuring Glassfish Server 4 with Eclipse to Build, Test, and Deploy Java EE 7 Applications

We will download and install Java EE 7 SDK which comes with GlassFish Open Source Edition 4 (currently 4.1.1)and then configure eclipse to deploy Java EE applications directly to GlassFish Server. You can download the latest Java EE 7 SDK from You can also directly download the latest commercially supported GlassFish Server distribution (currently from the same link.

What is the default file structure in Eclipse?

Each IDE has a preferred way of organizing the files that make up an application. These organization schemes are not always hard and fast but those presented here are the common ways of arranging the files.

Hello World Eclipse Plugin Project

To create eclipse plugins, you need an eclipse distribution package with Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment like Eclipse Standard or Eclipse IDE for Java EE. I am using Eclipse Standard 4.3.2. Always try to use the latest version of the distribution available. You can start exploring from eclipse site at to check the package contents of the distribution package.

Hello World JSP Web Application in Eclipse with Tomcat

We will create a simple JSP that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat. 



Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.


Hello World Servlet Application in Eclipse With Tomcat

We will create a simple servlet that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat. 



Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.



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