[Problems] Summary of Problems on Linked Lists with Approaches

Here we will see the approaches for the problems given @ http://javajee.com/problems-summary-of-problems-on-linked-lists-for-inte....


Problems and Approaches

  1. Reverse a linked list

  2. Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list.

  3. Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list.

  4. Find the Kth to last element in a linked list

  5. Delete a node in the middle of a singly linked list, given only access to that node.

  6. Given a linked list with a loop (circular linked list), find the node at the beginning of the loop.

  7. Partitian a linked list around a given value x, with all nodes with values less than x should come before all nodes with values greater than or equal to x.

  8. Given two sorted (ascending) linked lists L1 and L2. Write a program to merge them into a single descending linked list. 

    • Example:

      • List1 = 5>15>25>35>null.

      • List2 = 1>10>20>30>null.

      • ResultList = 35>30>25>20>15>10>5>1>null.

  9. Find the middle element of linked list in one Pass?

    • Approach: You can use the runner technique.  Two pointers can be used and both will be running at separate speeds. One runner pointer can go in two steps at a time and other pointer can go in one step at a time. Second one will always cover half the distance as that of the other. When one reaches the end, other will be be middle.

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