Prefix and Postfix operators in Java

The unary operator '++expr' is a prefix operator and 'expr++' is a postfix operator.

When used in a assignment or print context (like within a print statement), a prefix operator (e.g. ++a) first increments a and then return the value of a, whereas the postfix operator (e.g. a++) returns the value of a and then increments a.


Expansions for the prefix and postfix shorthand forms

Below expansions will help you understand these operators well.

  1. a++ expands to

    • a=a+1;

  2. a-- expands to

    • a = a-1;

  3. ++a expands to

    • a = a+1;

  4. --a expands to 

    • a = a - 1;

  5. b = a++ expands to

    • temp = a;

    • a = a + 1;

    • b = temp;

  6. b=a-- expands to

    • temp = a;

    • a = a - 1;

    • b = temp;

  7. b=++a expands to

    • a = a + 1;

    • b = a;

  8. b=--a expands to

    • a = a - 1;

    • b = a;

  9. print(a++)

    • print(a)

    • a = a + 1;

  10. print(++a)

    • a = a + 1;

    • print(a);


Note: Ones that use temp can be very tricky to solve. Refer to this question and try to answer:


Example: prefix and postfix operator

int a=4;




This will print:




  • The variable 'a' is assigned 4 initially.

  • First println with a-- prints the value of a and then decrements a to 3. So 4 is printed first.

  • Second println with --a first decrements a and then prints a, so value is now 2 and 2 is printed.  

  • Last println prints the current value of a, which is 2.

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