Submitted by heartin on Wed, 12/12/2012 - 20:00
A message Exchange Pattern (MEP) is a pattern for the exchange of messages between two communicating parties like a server and a client. The most common such pattern is the request-response pattern where the client sends a request and the server sends a response back. From a server perspective this is an input-output operation. Based on different combinations of input and output, the WSDL specification defines 4 patterns:
Submitted by heartin on Wed, 12/12/2012 - 11:16
The Java SE Endpoint Publisher supports end-point multithreading without much programmer work.
An Endpoint object has an Executor property defined with standard get/set methods.
An executor is an object that executes Runnable tasks such as java Thread instances. An executor is a nice alternative to thread instances, as the Executor provides high level constructs for submitting and managing tasks that are to be executed concurrently.
Submitted by heartin on Sun, 12/09/2012 - 19:27
Summary of steps to deploy a web service in tomcat with JAX-WS
Setup and start tomcat
Download the jax-ws ri zip, unzip it and copy paste the required jars into lib directory of tomcat.
Development and deployment
Build the class files and place class files under WEB-INF/classes according to your package structure.
Create files web.xml and sun-jaxws.xml (with required details) under WEB-INF folder.
Submitted by heartin on Sun, 12/09/2012 - 19:21
In this example we will use bottom up approach to develop a simple SOAP based web service and then publish it using a Java SE Endpoint publisher. We will nto be using any server like Glassfish in this example.
Submitted by heartin on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 19:40
The JDBC API is comprised of two Java packages: java.sql and javax.sql. The following are core JDBC classes, interfaces, and exceptions in the java.sql package: