heartin's blog

Message Exchange Patterns in Web Services

A message Exchange Pattern (MEP) is a pattern for the exchange of messages between two communicating parties like a server and a client. The most common such pattern is the request-response pattern where the client sends a request and the server sends a response back. From a server perspective this is an input-output operation. Based on different combinations of input and output, the WSDL specification defines 4 patterns: 

[Lab] Making the Java SE Endpoint Publisher Multithreaded

The Java SE Endpoint Publisher supports end-point multithreading without much programmer work.

An Endpoint object has an Executor property defined with standard get/set methods.

An executor is an object that executes Runnable tasks such as java Thread instances. An executor is a nice alternative to thread instances, as the Executor provides high level constructs for submitting and managing tasks that are to be executed concurrently.


[Lab] Deploying a Bottom-Up Web Service in Tomcat Web Container

Summary of steps to deploy a web service in tomcat with JAX-WS


  1. Setup and start tomcat

  2. Download the jax-ws ri zip, unzip it and copy paste the required jars into lib directory of tomcat.


Development and deployment

  1. Build the class files and place class files under WEB-INF/classes according to your package structure.

  2. Create files web.xml and sun-jaxws.xml (with required details) under WEB-INF folder.

[Lab] Creating a Soap Web Service Bottoms Up Using Java SE Endpoint Publisher

In this example we will use bottom up approach to develop a simple SOAP based web service and then publish it using a Java SE Endpoint publisher. We will nto be using any server like Glassfish in this example. 

Important JDBC Core API Classes, Interfaces and Exceptions

The JDBC API is comprised of two Java packages: java.sql and javax.sql. The following are core JDBC classes, interfaces, and exceptions in the java.sql package:


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