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Java - Module 9: Lambdas and Streams

We will discuss about Java 8 Lambdas and streams.

Java - Module 1: Java Essentials




  1. Write a HelloWorld program. Write a simple program with a main method that prints Hello World.

  2. Use package and import statement.

    1. Create a public class Hello1 that is part of a package com.javajee.package1.

      1. Add the standard main method that will be invoked by JVM.

ArrayList Class Operations Summary

Creating ArrayList

There are three constructors for creating an ArrayList:

  1. When you create an ArrayList using the constructor ArrayList(), the internal array for storage is created with a size 10.

  2. The constructor ArrayList(int initialCapacity) allows us to set the initial capacity.

ArrayList Class Basic Concepts

ArrayList is a resizable-array implementation of the List interface.

Traversing, Comparing and Copying Arrays

Traversing arrays

Traversing an array is the process of visiting each element of an array.

Two common ways to traverse an array are:

  • simple for loop / while loop

  • for-each loop


Example array

int[] myArray = {1,2,3,4,5}



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