Java Programmer I

Multiple Choice Question


Assume that a method named 'method1' contains code which may raise a non-runtime (checked) Exception. What is the correct way to declare that method so that it indicates that it expects the caller to handle that exception?

Select 2 options

A. public void method1() throws Throwable
B. public void method1() throw Exception
C. public void method1() throw new Exception
D. public void method1() throws Exception
E. public void method1()

Multiple Choice Question



public class TestClass{
public static void main(String[] args){
int i = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

What will happen when you compile and run the above program using the following command line: java TestClass 1 2

Select 1 option

A. It will print 1
B. It will print 2
C. It will print some junk value.
D. It will throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
E. It will throw NumberFormatException

Multiple Choice Question


What will the following program print?

public class TestClass{
static boolean b;
static int[] ia = new int[1];
static char ch;
static boolean[] ba = new boolean[1];
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
boolean x = false;
if( b ){
x = ( ch == ia[ch]);
else x = ( ba[ch] = b );
System.out.println(x+" "+ba[ch]);

Select 1 option

A. true true
B. true false
C. false true
D. false false
E. It will not compile.

Multiple Choice Question


Which of the following expressions will evaluate to true if preceded by the following code?

String a = "java";
char[] b = { 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a' };
String c = new String(b);
String d = a;

Select 3 options

A. (a == d)
B. (b == d)
C. (a == "java")
D. a.equals(c)

Multiple Choice Question


What will the following code print?

class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
int k = 1;
int[] a = { 1 };
k += (k = 4) * (k + 2);
a[0] += (a[0] = 4) * (a[0] + 2);
System.out.println( k + " , " + a[0]);

Select 1 option

A. It will not compile.
B. 4 , 4
C. 25 , 25
D. 13 , 13
E. None of the above.


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