Set 26

Multiple Choice Question


Given the following definitions and reference declarations:

interface I1 { }
interface I2 { }
class C1 implements I1 { }
class C2 implements I2 { }
class C3 extends C1 implements I2 { }
C1 o1;
C2 o2;
C3 o3;

Which of these statements are legal?

Select 3 options

A. class C4 extends C3 implements I1, I2 { }
B. o3 = o1;
C. o3 = o2;
D. I1 i1 = o3; I2 i2 = (I2) i1;
E. I1 b = o3;

Multiple Choice Question


Consider the following code:

interface Flyer{ String getName(); }
class Bird implements Flyer{
public String name;
public Bird(String name){ = name;
}public String getName(){ return name; }
class Eagle extends Bird {
public Eagle(String name){
}public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Flyer f = new Eagle("American Bald Eagle");          //PRINT NAME HERE
}  }

Which of the following lines of code will print the name of the Eagle object?

Select 3 options

A. System.out.println(;
B. System.out.println(f.getName());
C. System.out.println(((Eagle)f).name);
D. System.out.println(((Bird)f).getName());
E. System.out.println(;
F. System.out.println(Eagle.getName(f));

Multiple Choice Question


Consider the following classes :

interface I{
class A implements I{
class B extends A {
class C extends B{

And the following declarations:

A a = new A();
B b = new B();

Identify options that will compile and run without error.

Select 1 option

A. a = (B)(I)b;
B. b = (B)(I) a;
C. a = (I) b;
D. I i = (C) a;

Multiple Choice Question


Given the following class definitions :

interface MyIface{};
class A {};
class B extends A implements MyIface{};
class C implements MyIface{};

and the following object instantiations:

A a = new A();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();

Which of the following assignments are legal at compile time?

Select 1 option

A. b = c;
B. c = b; 
C. MyIface i = c; 
D. c = (C) b; 
E. b = a;

Multiple Choice Question


What will the following code print when run?

class Baap {
public int h = 4;
public int getH() {
System.out.println("Baap " + h);
return h;
}   public class Beta extends Baap {
public int h = 44;
public int getH() {
System.out.println("Beta " + h);
return h;
}   public static void main(String[] args) {
Baap b = new Beta();
System.out.println(b.h + " " + b.getH());
Beta bb = (Beta) b;
System.out.println(bb.h + " " + bb.getH());

Select 1 option

A. Beta 44
4 44
Baap 44
44 44
B. Baap 44
4 44
Beta 44
44 44
C. Beta 44
4 44
Beta 44
4 44
D. Beta 44
4 44
Beta 44
44 44


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