Engineering Full Stack Apps with Java and JavaScript
Implement a project with basic linked list operations in Java:
Create a Node class with two elements:
int data
Node next
Create an interface MyList with three operations:
void add(int data) - Add a new node to the end of linked list.
void insert(int location, int data) - Add a new node to the given index location in a linked list.
void display() - Traverse and print data in every node in the linked.
void remove(int data) - Remove the first node with given data
Create class MyLinkedList that implement the interface MyList.
Create a test class MyLinkedListTest with a main method to test MyLinkedList .
It is ok if you don't you getters and setters for your class members.
You may define all these classes in a single package for simplicity.
Comment on this page when you are ready with the sample project and we will send you the email to which you can send the project for verification.