Configuring Glassfish Server 4 with Eclipse to Build, Test, and Deploy Java EE 7 Applications

We will download and install Java EE 7 SDK which comes with GlassFish Open Source Edition 4 (currently 4.1.1)and then configure eclipse to deploy Java EE applications directly to GlassFish Server. You can download the latest Java EE 7 SDK from You can also directly download the latest commercially supported GlassFish Server distribution (currently from the same link.

I have not added many screenshots to keep things simple. But in case, if you face any issues while following any of the steps, please do let me know through a comment or the contact form. I will add more explanation or screenshots as necessary.


Downloading and installing Java EE 7 SDK

Go to the Java EE downloads page in the Oracle technetwork web site @

Click on the download icon for Java EE 7 SDK.

Accept the license and download (click or save) from the download link.

Unzip the java ee SDK download file to any folder (no separate install is required). It will have a glassfish4 folder and the glassfish4 folder will have a glassfish and few other folders inside. This inside glassfish folder denoted the home folder for glassfish server while configuring it in eclipse.

Configuring Glassfish with eclipse

Start eclipse.

Go to server wizard to define a new server. You can go to Server wizard by right clicking on the Servers view or going to New > other and using the filter to select Server.

The Server wizard may not initially contain any entries for the Glassfish server. You need to click on ‘Download additional server adapters’ to add the adapter for Glassfish server.

From the list of available options, select Glassfish Tools.

Eclipse will calculate requirements and dependencies first. After that click Next, accept license and accept the popup for restart.

Once you restart the system, go again to new server wizard and you will see the Glassfish adapter.

Select Glassfish 4 and click next. Select the glassfish root folder and a JDK.

Glassfish server runtime requires full JDK instead of JRE.

You need to select Glassfish4/glassfish folder as server root.

Click to add a JDK. If you can’t find a JDK in the installed JREs page, add one, and then select.

If both options are fine and there are no error markers, continue to click next/finish to finish installaiton.


In the next screen,

  • leave the password field empty

  • check (select) the option 'Use JAR archives for deployment'.


Now you should be able to start and stop Glassfish server from eclipse servers page.


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