Basics of Synchronization in Java

When several threads try to access a single resource, there is a chance that it might corrupt that data. Synchronization is the process which ensures that, when several threads want to access a single resource, only one thread can access it at any given time; other threads trying to access will have to wait for its turn. 


Important points about Synchronization

  1. A synchronized region is guarded by a lock object

    • When a thread enters a synchronized region, it acquires and holds the lock and when it leaves the synchronized region, it releases that lock. 

    • Only one thread can acquire a lock at a time or in other words, only one thread can enter a synchronized region at a time.

  2. Any object in java can act as a lock for synchronization.

    • This is because every object has an intrinsic lock (or monitor) associated with it.

    • Whenever a thread tries to access a synchronized block or method, it acquires the intrinsic lock or the monitor on the object on which it is synchronized. 

    • From Java 5, you can also use explicit locks from the java.util.concurrent.locks package, instead of intrinsic locks. 

  3. We can either synchronize code blocks or even whole methods.

    • You specify a lock object while synchronizing a code block.

    • When synchronizing methods, the lock used is as follows:

      • In the case of non-static synchronized methods, the lock object is not specified explicitly and the method will be synchronized on the current instance (same as 'this' reference).

        • This is same as synchronizing all contents of a method on the ‘this’ pointer from within the method.

      • Static methods are synchronized on the class object (MyClass.class), not on the ‘this’ reference.

        • The ‘this’ variable refers to the current instance and is available only to instance methods, but not to static methods;

          • static methods belong to class and are not associated with any particular instance.

        • Every class in Java has a class object corresponding to it represented by the class ‘java.lang.Class’, whose use comes mainly in reflection.

          • A synchronized static method is same as synchronizing all contents of a method on a java.lang.Class instance.

  4. We can use different locks for different code blocks only if we are using synchronized blocks rather than synchronized methods because when we use synchronized methods, it uses either the ‘this’ object or the class object as the lock object implicitely, which is common for all.

  5. Best Practice: While one thread is executing a synchronized code block, no other threads can execute any code blocks or method that is synchronized on the same lock object. Therefore if, two different code blocks can be executed in parallel, then, they should use different locks.


Syntax and Examples

Synchronized code blocks

We write synchronized code blocks as:



//synchronized code


Here myObject is any object.


Synchronized Methods

We write synchronized methods as:

public synchronized void myMethod()


//synchronized code



Above code is same as synchronizing all contents of a method on the ‘this’ pointer from within the method as below:

public void myMethod()



//synchronized code



Static Synchronization

A synchronized static method is same as synchronizing all contents of a method on a java.lang.Class instance:

public static void myMethod()



//synchronized code



Which synchronization to use? Static vs. Instance vs. Block

  • When you use static synchronization, it will block all static methods of all the objects of that class that are synchronized, and any other code block that is synchronized on the .class object. 

  • When you use instance method synchronization, it will block all methods of that particular object that are synchronized, and any other code block that is synchronized on that object.

  • When you use block synchronization, it will block only code that are locked on the same object that this block is synchronized on. You should always try to use block level synchronization instead of static and method, whenever possible.  


Summary of use cases

We can summarize the rules for accessing two static or instance synchronized methods as:

  • Two threads cannot access two synchronized instance methods of the same object at same time as they are both synchronized on the same object (‘this’).

  • Two threads cannot access two static synchronized methods of a class at the same time as they are both synchronized on an object specific to that class (‘MyClass.class’).

  • Two threads can access a static synchronized method and a non-static synchronized method of the same class at the same time as they are both synchronized on two different objects (‘MyClass.class’ and ‘this’).

  • If a thread holding a lock, try to enter another synchronized block, synchronized on the same lock that it holds, it will succeed acquiring that lock and enter that synchronized block.

  • There is no constraint on simultaneously executing non-static synchronized methods for two different objects of the same class, as they are both synchronized on two different 'this' objects. Synchronization on an object only controls concurrent access to any one object.

Here MyClass is your class name.


Other important concepts related to Synchronization


  • If a thread already holding a lock, try to enter another synchronized block, synchronized on the same lock that it holds, it will succeed acquiring that lock and enter that synchronized block. This property is called reentrancy.

  • Java implements reentrancy by associating an acquisition count and owning thread with each lock. 

    • Owner thread is recorded and acquisition count is incremented to one, when a thread acquires a lock for first time. 

    • If the same thread acquires that lock again, the count is incremented;

    • when the thread exits a synchronized block, the count is decremented; and

    • when the count becomes zero, the lock is released.

    • Associated owner thread details of a lock is used to determine if the requesting thread already has that lock.   

  • There is also an explicit lock called ReentrantLock in java.util.concurrent.locks package

    • has the same basic reentrant behavior and semantics as the implicit monitor lock,

      • but with extended capabilities. 



  • Synchronization provides two features: mutual exclusion and visibility.

    • Mutual exclusion ensures that when several threads want to access a single resource, only one thread can access it at any given time, and we saw that already.

    • Synchronization also provides visibility.

      • Without synchronization (or volatile), there is no guarantee that values updated by one thread on a variable, will be visilbe to other threads.

      • You might even see stale values in case of 64 bit primitives like long and double as the value may be written as two 32-bit values.

      • By synchronizing the write and read to a variable, the latest value written to a variable by one thread will be visible to all other threads, and there won't be any stale value.

      • So synchronization also provides memory visibility in addition to mutual exclusion.

  • If you require only visibility, but no mutual exclusion, then you can declare that variable as volatile as

    • it provides same memory visibility advantage with synchronization,

    • but without mutual exclusion, and

    • has slight performance advantage over synchronization. 

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