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In object oriented programming or in Unified Modelling, relationships between objects can be classified as association, aggregation, composition and inheritance.
Association is a relationship between two objects. Here objects might not be completely dependent on each other.
Example: Student and teacher, where multiple students can associate with single teacher and single student can associate with multiple teachers. Both can be added and removed independently.
Aggregation is a strong form of association implying a part-whole hierarchy. Aggregation can be considered as a “has-a” relationship. The parent object contains (has) child objects, but the child object can also survive or exist without the enclosing class.
Example: Room has a table, but the table can exist without the room.
Composition is a strong form aggregation, where the part is inside exactly one whole. Composition is also known as a ‘is a part of’ relationship. The part may also be created and destroyed by the whole. The member object (part) cannot exist without the containing class.
Example: A department is part of a college and it cannot exist or has no meaning after the lifetime of the college. Another example is rooms in a house, which cannot exist after the lifetime of the house.
Inheritance is also a form of association in UML where we form classes using classes that has already been defined. Inheritance can be considered as a “is-a” relationship. Inheritance is unidirectional. In OO, the concept of IS-A is based on class inheritance or interface implementation.
Example: For example, House is a building, Car is a vehicle.
Example 1
class Man extends Human { } - Man is a Human.
class Man implements Human { } - Man is a Human.
Example 2
class Man { private BestFriend dog; } - Man has a dog, who is a BestFriend.
class Man { private Dog bestFriend; } - Man has a best friend who is a Dog.
Example 3
class Tech { WebService s; }
class JavaTech extends Tech { Spring s; }
Relationships in Example 3:
JavaTech has-a WebService
JavaTech has-a Spring
JavaTech is-a Tech
Tech has-a WebService
Find out the notations in UML for each of the above.
Nice explanation ............ :)