Design patterns

Factory and Abstract Factory Patterns

Factory pattern is a design pattern used to create objects. Similar to a car factory that creates different models of cars, an object factory will create different type of objects. The abstract factory pattern provides a way to encapsulate a group of similar or related factories. Hence the abstract factory can be considered as a factory of factories.  


Introduction to Design Patterns

A pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occuring problem. Different types of patterns in software engineering include Architectural Patterns, Design Patterns, Idioms etc. 

Architectural patterns specify the system-wide structural properties of an application, and have an impact on architecture of its subsystems. The Model-View-Controller pattern is one of the best-known examples of an architectural pattern. 

Introduction to Singleton Pattern in Java with Examples

The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. At a given point of time there should be only one instance of the given class. We won’t cover every possible ways to do singleton, but only some solutions which I feel is important. We will start with a small introduction to design patterns and then see what a singleton pattern is and how it can be implemented effectively in Java.


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